JAM Software is an innovator in the healthcare industry. We have been for the past 30 years and will continue to do so with excellence as our standard. As one of the leaders in the Medical Software industry, we continuously aim to set a higher standard in the quality of the solutions and service we offer.

We offer a suite of sofware solutions under our MED Software Suite covering the whole range of needs that you would have for your Medical Practice management. Our solutions include accounts / billing modules including features such as medical billing module with integrated diary, Waiting Rooms / WorkList, Medicare Australia Online Claiming, clinical record modules consisting of clinical word processing, electronic prescription and laboratory orders & results.

We thank you for visiting us and look forward to being at your service. 


Schedule of Fees Update as at May 2017

As a result of a decision in the 2014-15 Budget, the 1 July 2014 indexation of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) will be restricted to General Practitioner services. The next scheduled indexation for all other MBS and DVA specific medical items will be 1 July 2016.

DVA is aligning indexation dates for dental and allied health provider fees with the MBS measure, and the next indexation for these services will also be on 1 July 2016.

In the 2016 Budget it was announced that the plan to continue the pause on indexation for Medicare rebates with continue, this freeze will continue until 2019-20.

Currently Subscribed MED Users may download these fees via the Subscribers download page.

New MED Billing for Windows Release

JAM Software would like to announce the release of the next version of MED Billing – Version 4.8.971. This is a major release for online claiming users, the Medicare Australia Online Claiming adapter has been updated to the latest available from Medicare.

This update provides benefits with reliability and stability, providing additional functionality including DVA bulk billing for Allied Health services. This update also addresses issues where some users were experiencing problems submitting claims before 10/11am and also users are now able to submit claims up to two(2) Years Old online!

This new release introduces Recurring appointments; users can now create appointments for patients that reoccur Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly with a number of recurring options.

For MED Subscribers, more information is available via the subscribers section, please log in to download the update.